Become an NCENA member.

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One of the biggest benefits of joining NCENA is the access to health insurance for both you and your staff. We have connections to reputable carriers whose coverage can be tailored to each individual’s needs. Let’s take a quick look at some of the advantages that you and your staff might have.

No recommendations are needed to get an appointment with a specialist. Since your doctor will send the referral after your visit, you won’t have to wait in line. Set a time, then leave.

There is no deductible. We have access to insurance that can frequently provide you the $0 deductible everyone merits. You shouldn’t be required to pay significant deductibles just because you work in the cannabis industry.

Coinsurance for in-network services is 0%. Sometimes the 0% coinsurance makes the premium worthwhile, but typically a cheaper monthly premium is linked to a bigger percentage of the cost of your treatment.

Low monthly out-of-pocket costs. Out-of-pocket expenses for a single person with one of our associated carriers can be as low as $8,150. There may be variations in family plan quantities.

Coverage for mental health outpatient treatment. Give your staff the chance to acquire the necessary mental health care. The modern world has demonstrated how consulting a professional may inspire someone in all facets of life.

Chiropractic treatments There are alternatives for plans with and without this coverage. advantages of prescription drugs. Beat the price of prescription drugs and make sure you don’t miss out on this coverage.

In addition, some of our plans also offer coverage for:

– emergency medical transportation

– bloodwork

– advanced imaging

– union death benefit

– emergency room visits

– urgent care

– home health care

– x-ray

– child eye exams and dental check-ups

– physician and surgeon fees

Did you know that people are more inclined to stick with their work if they are provided with health benefits? So sign up today to keep your employees.

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